
By Stella2


I was up early this morning taking the car to the garage as we have had problems with the car key fobs despite replacing the batteries.  It was checked in at 8am and I had planned walking in along the nearby river to Exeter Quay before heading back home.  The weather wasn't very inviting and it was fairly cold.  As I walked past the incinerator towards the canal and river I looked at the new station that has been build and realised that the trains from here head directly back into Exmouth and one was due in a few minutes time.  I waited for the train and almost didn't get on as it was so very crowded and full of students.  They soon got out and it became a more comfortable ride back. 

I thought I was going to have an easy day but a couple of hours later I received a call with an update on the car.  It needs a new key fob, a new battery and more worrying a new timer chain.  This last item is fairly expensive and involves a lot of work.  It's also risky to not have it done because if the chain went it could damage the engine.  Unfortunately the full job couldn't be completed until next week.  We ended up leaving the car to be repaired and in the meantime I need to find out how I am going to travel next week without a car.

I was determined to attend the bookclub meeting this afternoon as we were bringing suggestions for the next years reads.  It was an enjoyable meeting but I couldn't hang around to chat. I took a couple of shots of manhole covers on the way back home for todays Abstract Thursday with its theme of fill the frame.  

We had an early tea my husband had prepared so that I could catch a bus to Exmouth.  Friends from my other camera club offered to take me to the meeting in Exeter where several presentations from club members were taking place.  By now it was raining heavily but we all made it to the meeting.  It was an enjoyable meeting and still raining when we returned.

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