
By McCaviti

The Main Muse

Haven't had much chance to acquaint myself with it yet, but my husband was sick of me moaning about my "Check status of lens" message on my Olympus EPL2 (yes, I have cleaned the contacts!), so he offered me his old Lumix.  He hasn't been using it because for his mineral photography he prefers the depth of field offered by a lower level camera!

My win - I'm in love already!  Gave it a quick whirl when I went to the shops to do some chores, and snapped off this photo of a pot plant ornament that one of my daughter's friends gave her for her 18th. It looks just like our cat Shadow, with whom my daughter is totally obsessed.  Obviously, a bit or post-processing has been done!

As an extra, my second main muse!

Now to acquaint myself with the handbook my husband pointed me to. I'd brainwashed him into using a square aspect ratio (suits eBay purposes, and he hates editing photos, even cropping them).  It's annoying me at the moment, and while I do enjoy the creativity constraints can generate, it's not going to be suitable for the grand landscapes the Blue Mountains (upcoming getaway) will offer.

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