
By snap_in_my_day

Almost finished...

I will be glad when this garden bed is complete...
My older son who is the gardener in the family visited to return some paperwork he borrowed which now I actually needed to use myself... I spoke about a section of garden I was hoping to grow vegetables in... He said it's going to take awhile till it's usable due to the clay soil... I told him what I'd gathered and he said good, that I just needed to get it all in the ground, cover it and just let it sit for months... So I've had a busy afternoon... Started at 3:30pm to go get first load of mulch came home and tipped all of it out onto the middle sectionofthegarden to finishit off, then went back for second load of mulch for the next section... But first I had to put 3 x 1/2 milk crates of coffee grinds, 1 bag horse manure, 1 bag of stuff that helps break down clay soil, 2 bags of shredded paper, cardboard boxes then mulch on the top... I'll need another load of mulch tomorrow to finish it off...
I finished at 5:50pm...
Then well and truly needed a shower...
I was stuffed and my body let me know too...

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