Hungarian Horsemen!

Our last day in Budapest, and we spent it visiting an amazing horse facility on the outskirts of the city -- owned by the Lazar family who are multiple award winners in the art of carriage driving and equestrian sport.  We were treated to an incredible show of equestrian skills -- everything from galloping full tilt whilst shooting (accurately) a bow and arrow to riding five horses at the same time by standing on the rumps of the two rear horses whilst steering all of the horses with reins.

This evening we cast off from the shores of Budapest, and we are now steaming full speed ahead down the Danube River, heading for Vienna, Austria where we are scheduled to arrive tomorrow evening. 

Extra:  Somehow they teach the horses to sit down like dogs! ... some Hungarian goats with horns that look to me just like cheese straws ... some impressively accessorized oxen (HUGE horns!), and lastly a beautiful night time illuminated view of the Budapest Parliament Building as we sailed past earlier this evening.

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