
By scotguide

Cheeky chappie!

Surprise gift from a dear pal! 
My day started with a visit to the feeder with not one Red Squirrel but two! 
Two kits ( think that’s what the baby squirrels are called?) well the first one was not happy that the other wanted to feed too………they had a bit of a scrap! No injury that I could see from indoors ….the other scarpered up into the fir tree! The other had a good breakfast, privileged to view them so close ! Delightful! 
In afternoon went along to help at the Rural Olympics! 6 teams of 4 competing in indoor games ie wellie chucking! Etc etc …..good fun! 
Enjoyed Strictly tonight…..think the correct celeb left, although the person has performed superbly! 

A good Sunday! A day without rain! A first for 6 days! 

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