twinned with trumpton


Through the post migraine befuddlement I still managed to traipse out for bread fae the Granton Garden Bakery and swung back via Lidl; before feeding the hungry hordes and going to meet Her and Hound at Tanz. Whilst she tanned, I took Loki for a brief birl aboot the playing fields before we headed in for celery and stilton soup. 

Having previously showed apathy towards The Spartans v Arbroath, the lads suddenly had a change of heart and decided to attend. So we all headed out; the dog walking ones off in a Silverknowes direction and the boys to AP. 

As the sun set, we boarded a 27 and I baled off at AP whilst she continued on homewards. As I strode through the gate at half time, the boys wandered past and we all took up our post behind the Spartans goal and awaited the Arbroath fight back (Spartans having gone in 1-0 ahead)

And lo! Arbroath indeed conjured up a very finely crafted leveller! Game on! Except Spartans hadn't read the script and from the kick off more or less went up the park and scored again!

For the final half hour, Spartans looked comfortable and an adject Arbroath trooped off to dogs abuse and what turned out to be the end of Dick Campbell's 7 reign at Gayfield! Legend! 

And off home to dine on quesadillas and half watch West Brom cuff Ipswich.

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