twinned with trumpton


Awakened by Alex phoning to find out if his game had been cancelled (it had; his mother was at work and hadn't told him.... neglect, much?) before realising the boiler is still not fixed. Hey ho.

Onto the bike, into town and after a cuppa I took the hound for a decent walk. Round Salisbury Crags (see extra) and perfectly timed... about 10 minutes from home the rain started!!

Having changed into suitable attire and foisting the dog on his owner, we strolled around the corner to the Outsider for a lunch.  Crayfish, salmon and fennel tagliatelle and a tofu chorizo bean ragout. Decent, and very reasonable.

It was lashing down as we left, and the dog walk part 2 was delayed until later. When it was lashing down slightly less....

A muddy happy dog skipped homewards in the dark. 

I await another soaking shortly as I head home on the bike.

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