Life in Sunny Dubai

By GadgetKid

Winter Party


Yay, it's Friday and almost the weekend! I had hoped to have a nap in the afternoon before heading out to the Winter Party, but no way could that have happened. So, despite not getting a good night's sleep, I wore something suitable for the Hollywood Red Carpet theme, and got dropped off by G.

The company is marking 30 years of operating in Dubai so we had a special guest to remind us of how it all started back in 1993! Jessica gave us an informative and entertaining speech, and it was great to see how well-received she was by old and new colleagues.

The party itself was fun, with big smiles all around. Everyone looked like they were having a fabulous time. I got a ride back with my friend Manisha (my thumbnail). Over here, they give people the choice to have an alcoholic or a non-alcoholic package. Manisha chose the latter.

I think I was finally in bed by 2 AM!

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