By JAM28

Family At Christmas

So lovely to have a full house at Christmas and especially to have the ‘new’ Mrs Moorley here with us for the first time.
First thing in the morning was opening stockings round the table - lovely to have an excited D sharing the fun with us, then croissants and bucks fizz. Then a wonderful service at church, including a song in Yoruba, sung by a Nigerian mother and daughter, a verse of Silent Night in Welsh and one in Bulgarian for different church families.
Then home for present opening and pulled pork rolls.
My sister arrived late afternoon, having needed a tyre change on the way here - wonderful Mr M to the rescue! So more presents then and a poinsettia cocktail.
Then the main meal was in the evening with our traditional Christmas tea with all the party food that everyone requested. What feast!
A couple of games in the evening and we were done.
A wonderful day!

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