
By flavia13


Tweedle-lee-dee-dee-dee, tweedle-lee-dee-dee
He rocks in the tree tops all day long
Hoppin' and a-boppin' and a-singing his song
All the little birds on Jaybird Street
Love to hear the robin go tweet tweet tweet
Rockin' robin.tweet.tweet.tweet
Rockin' robin.tweet, tweedle-lee-dee
Blow rockin' robin

Now you're going to be singing that for the rest of the day aren't you!!???

Just another dreich day so tidying up my photo files.  I've run out of space and need to find some more so I'm having a good tidy up.  
I didn't know what to blip so I've photographed one of the 3 felt robins I got for Christmas last year as I think they're rather lovely.
I hope you are all well and not getting two soaked or blown away.  
Do take care and stay safe and I will see you all tomorrow.

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