
By JeanSnaps

Sun and stubble.

Not a morning for lying about. I took myself up to the Health Centre to book an appointment and, much to my surprise, got one for the afternoon. Then shopped in the Co-op and succumbed to Aberdeen butteries. Drove along to the lay-by at Strathmiglo for a blip then home to laze about. After a while I folded up laundry and put all the Christmas junk and one or two other things in the loft.  Had a rest then it was time to go back to the health centre.  Met Emma and Courtney as I was getting in the car.  Courtney wanted to know where I was going and looked quite alarmed when I said the doctor. Told her it was nothing serious and I just needed antibiotics. "No, you don't " she said in no uncertain terms and there was a bit of to-ing and fro- ng before I got away. It wasn't busy and the doctor I saw was one who's been there for ages. We've known each other for at least forty years so we had a bit of a chat and agreed on what was wrong. Got a prescription for antibiotics then photographed  the Health Centre dog who, I'm sure, has a nice tranquilising  effect on any nervous patients. Picked  up the antibiotics from Falkland pharmacy and fell onto the sofa for the rest of the day.

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