
By jeffpaps


We have been looking after Fika for a couple of days. ( Fika is featured in the extra photo). One of my favourite walks is at a place called Sheepleas which has views over towards London. On a clear day, one can see the distant outlines of some of Londons iconic buildings. Today I was shocked to find paths churned up by heavy plant machinery and piles of felled trees. The common on which I had walked many times now looked like a warzone.
A notice in red explained that the trees had to be felled because of diease. Ash die back is leading to many trees becoming unstable and at risk of falling. This poses a danger to walkers, hence the need for action. It is hoped that over time this will lead to new growth and protect the natural habitat. I confess it will be a while before I return.
Exercise with Fika.
Warmer weather to walk in.
A good discussion in our small group about the life of King David.

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