
By HareBrain


There was talk of snow today but it hasn’t materialised thus far. I think these pretty little numbers are ready to be potted on in the garden.  We haven’t got a greenhouse so for the past few days they have been residing in my cool kitchen.  As there’s no snow I thought I’d risk putting them out and just as I was about to the heavens opened and it has been raining ever since.  A job for another day then.

We tootled off to Ellesmere this afternoon as on the interweb it said that the Pharmacy there did micro suction on ears.  Mr HB has been waiting months for this to be done on his right ear which he damaged by poking! earlier on last year.  Mr HB telephoned the chemist and the nice girl on reception said that they would do it, but on arrival and once in the consulting room the professional said they couldn’t, huge disappointment, so sadly Mr HB has to wait until the end of this month to see a Doctor again for referral on to NHS ENT – I’m sure it will be a long wait.  So it’s back to the drawing board. There was an upside to the afternoon though as the rain stopped and we had hot chocolate and delicious cakes in a quaint little coffee shop with lots of interesting bits and pieces to ponder over, and super artwork on the walls.

Back home, sorted Blip and we’re now off to have Dinner with dear friend Rose.  Hope she has her gorgeous fire lit.

Happy weekend everyone and thank you, as ever, to BikerBear ~Anni~ for hosting our FlowerFriday.
Extra:  All the plants.

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