Capital adventures

By marchmont

Aphro - what

Well I didn't get any red roses today.  I did wake up early and finalise the grant application I was too tired to do last night, did the laundry, discovered what the family were doing and spent 3 hours in HK pool with at times the girls and #1 son.  It was hot.  

they were going out CNY visiting later so I went to 1MK to check on the skirt's progress (nil), then took a Grab to Publika.  The Indian driver was a whisky afficionado - preferring The Macallan and Highland Park though he also likes The Singleton. Booked my Hammam and then went to BIG for some shopping. The were selling oysters but I didn't buy.

Dropped stuff off for #1 son and then home to eventually cook dinner.  My meetings were later than I remembered and it was midnight before I finished.  More are being planned for next week.  Also had a catchup with N.  She may be leaving early.  Oh and I discovered I've left my spare glasses somewhere in Ipoh, probably never to be seen again and #3 son confirmed the car is dead and will need to go.

Ho hum!

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