Here there and everywhere

By digitaldaze

Bb’s birthday

Lovely day to celebrate Bb’s 64th birthday. We came up to Granollers by train to the Hotel Fonda Europa. This was the first place we escaped to, by train, when lockdown started to open and we have a soft spot for it. We’d booked a table for lunch in the hotel restaurant - nice food, service and atmosphere. With the tartan lampshades and low lighting, it felt almost Scottish! We toasted our late friend Helen B, who loved this place when she stayed here. In fact, she introduced us to it. Then a wee walk and a siesta. Our good friend Philippa works in a school here, so we had popped in there in our walk and arranged to meet up when she finished at 9.30pm. Lovely to catch up. Bb and I ended the day with a drink in the hotel bar and I gave him his birthday pressies. Very grateful to have him in my life! Happy birthday, Bb!

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