
By NightOwl45

Rest Day

A very high pain and fatigue day, paying your yesterday’s minor exertions. Chronic, invisible illnesses suck, right?

A very wet, dreich, damp day here in Dumfries which didn’t help matters.

I decided to treat myself to a rare couple breakfast/fried couple rolls (brown bread only for me due to fibro related IBS) for a late lunch as it took me over five hours to get functionally mobile due to my fibromyalgia and joint hypermobility syndrome today.

Opted for a fried egg and tatie scone and a Lorne (square) sausage and fried egg roll with a good dollop of brown sauce from a local place that does the best rolls in town, in my opinion :)

I picked up some milk and a paper - I usually buy a Weekend iPaper and haven’t read it today as my chronic pain levels have affected my concentration levels but will peruse it tomorrow. 

I used to buy a Saturday Guardian but was getting grumpy at the price but do admire their journalism. I like to keep a strict eye on my budgeting in these difficult times.

I caught up online via texts, messages and phone with my close friends.

I rested and relaxed most of today but did get caught in a heavy downpour this evening popping out for some Deep Heat heat patches. 

They were on special offer which was a lovely and  a most welcome bonus and have helped a good bit, like to wear one all night on higher chronic pain days.

I am continuing my fibromyalgia/joint hypermobility notebook journal where I monitor sleep, mood, diet, movement/paced exercise etc…I shall keep you all posted.

I hope tomorrow is drier and that you’re all having glorious weekends :)

I continue to catch up with journals, stars and hearts. No Duolingo music or Ukrainian has been achieved today as of yet. I will try…

I watched The 1% Club game show tonight, absolutely love that programme and Lee Mack’s wit. I went to see him in his stand up show many, many moons ago with one of my three brothers and he was absolutely hilarious.

Must try to get some more of my Drug and Alcohol e-learning training and certification completed tomorrow, health allowing.

Blip means so much to me, the friendly, supportive sense of community on here is incredibly heartwarming and supportive, particularly on higher chronic pain and fatigue days like today, you are all amazing and your empathy is appreciated much more than you will ever know :) xx

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