
By trekmum


So.. I haven’t been around here this week. Since I last posted, I’ve visited my GP twice, referred to A and E once to see if my bloating, upper abdo pain and back pain could be heart related ( it wasn’t) and finally a call to NHS24 around 3 a.m on Saturday morning after the most excruciating pain which resulted in me getting admitted to hospital with a diagnosis of cholocystitus ( inflammation of the gall bladder) and at least one large gallstone.
Since then the NHS had been stuffing me full of painkillers , antibiotics, muscle relaxants, anti sickness pills … as well as my normal meds. The window for removing my gallbladder without it being a risky procedure had passed as adhesions have started to form, so the idea is get me through this and get removed later. Normally they’d wait two months but quite “the way the NHS is…” it will probably be longer.
However, can I say I’m really grateful to what they have done for me up to now. We are still so lucky to have a ‘free’ health service

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