Aquamarine/Nanna K's Day

By NannaK

The Carry On Book Club

We met today, same house, to celebrate Diane’s 86th birthday….only Diane wasn’t there!   She just got home from a trip and felt like a cold (or worse?) was possibly happening  so didn’t come.    So we took this for her with the AMAZING figgy pudding that Randi made!  (and will save her a piece) .  Yes, we all have name tags so perhaps the one who keeps asking us our name and how old are we will ask it less.  The two with memory issues insist they need to come so we’ve tried to make it as easy as we can… but it doesn’t totally eliminate all the stress.   Those who can read loved Sarah Winman’s first book “When God was a Rabbit” perhaps even more than “Still Life” that we read last month.

A 2 event day: Fiona’s choir concert tonight.      Extra: She’s announcing the next song, Lakeside Lullaby.  working on dampening stage fright.  

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