A day in the life

By Shelling


For some reason this Geranium has decided that this is exactly the right time to flower, even if it's snowing outside. Probably the amount of light and the temperature of it is an important factor here. Outside, many things has started to flower or bud for quite a while now, even the grass has started turning green and there is a distinct difference between the grass from last year and the new.

Apart from watching things growing, I've spent all day, apart from a walk in the afternoon, to rehearsing and checking through the arrangements to a concert we start rehearsing on Monday and made some minor changes. The reason for all this work today is that I'm going away for three days during weekend and therefore have to do the ground work now. Tomorrow, I'm away for a concert with Bengt most of the day and evening, so there's only Thursday left to prepare for the rehearsals next week. I've had a good day and feel more or less on top of things so now I can relax a bit and have some fun tomorrow and in the weekend.

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