A Day Worth Recording

By Cheeseminer


I've progressed into the muddier* colours - awarded Brown tonight, so another three steps to go to another Black belt.

I first achieved Black in Wado Freestyle in 2007 (indeed this actual belt is 18 years old), then retrained in Shotokan, then picked up Wado Ryu again a few years ago and thus working through the belts for a third time.

It's enlightening being taught by a woman sensei this time, with a lot more focus on precision and technique - supposedly to compensate for less reliance on strength and power (which suits an older me, anyway).

* There is no consistent order to belt colours except the general trend from bright to dark, reflecting the traditional process of starting with a white belt and dyeing it to the next colour.  After long enough, only brown and black are possible colours to dye it.

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