The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

Balancing Act

Dear O'H dear, Lovely Tea Jenny and The Mini Princesses,

I was out with Mandy and Lou last night for a bite to eat. I really like Mandy and Lou but the chat is more serious than with other company (ie all of you).

I was telling Kitty Cat this earlier when she asked about my night.

Me: “I know I’m 51 but sometimes the chat feels a bit too old for me.”

KC: “We have spoken about doing our washing before.”

Me: “That is true”

KC: “But we also speak about fannies.”

Me: “EXACTLY. It’s all about balance!”


PS LTJ - I dedicated a chunk of today to finishing off Fourteen Days. To be honest, you might as well skip to the last few pages and save your time. Day 12 felt like stabbing myself in the face!

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