The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

There Can Be Only One!

Dear O'H dear, Lovely Tea Jenny and The Mini Princesses,

Yesterday when The Prince and I were out for a walk, we played a game of ‘Which one would you keep (if you could only keep one)?’ As usual, the questions were of a high brow nature (I hope you can keep up). Personally I consider this one to be the Champion of Champions round.

Me: “Bacon roll or sausage roll?”
TP: “Sausage roll”

Me: “Sausage roll or Sausage roll?”
TP: “Sausage roll, the pastry one”

Me: “Pork or beef?”
TP: “Beef”

Me: “But then you’d never be able to have another sausage roll?”

TP: “No, no, then pork.”

Me: “This is a great game, isn’t it?”

TP: “I think it’s a fascinating insight into how your mind works.”

Me (ignoring the tone of that last comment): “News or Sport?”
TP: “Sport”

Me: “Rugby or golf?”

I was worried The Prince might crash the car at this point. I think his brain exploded!


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