
By IainatCreel

Previously on Blip..............

Ethel:  l was under the doctor last week

Jessie: Was he gentle with you?

Ethel: Weel, he had pastry making hands.

Jessie: Apparently he's sponsored by Atrixo

Ethel: I've heard it's BeRo.  Whitiver,  they say he's good with puffs and tarts.

Jessie: Whit aboot his spotted dick? What was it that makes it so tempting?

Ethel: I just couldn't put my finger on it.

Jessie:  If we were men do you think we'd both smoke pipes?

Ethel:  Well, my Jimmy is partial to a rough shag.

Jessie: Whit?

Ethel: I suppose you are an Old Holburn advocate?

Jessie: You never cease to amaze me.  I haven't had an Advocaat for years.

Ethel:  Any news of Madam at number 22?

Jessie:  Even with all her airs and graces she was chatting to the coalman by her gate.  By standing on my blanket box l could get my lug next to the windae.

Ethel:  And?

Jessie: The coalman indicated that he thought the unexpected reappearance of Alexander Dubček in the late 60s, after two decades of relative obscurity, may have assuaged the wounded feelings of the Communists.  Madam posited that it may have mollified the hard-liners in the police. 

Ethel: Well that's jist bloody typical! A'body kens Dubček was a busted flush by then, and his suggested path to a gentler type of socialism became an anachronistic half-forgotten curiosity. What happened next?

Jessie: She asked him if she could give him a hand to empty his sack.  I had to come away fae the window and grate some extra gruyere on my soufflé.

Ethel: Are you ga'n to the Co-op?  Could  you bring me back 20 Woodbines and a bunch of carrots?

Jessie:  There'll be a peedie delay, I'm going anyway as l've arranged to go pot holing in Uruguay.

To be discontinued.

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