
By ForthPorts


Having a big clear out. Came across these. Viners Splayds. Back in the day when we were trendy socialites these were a godsend at our popular cocktail parties. A combined knife, fork and spoon. Allowed for one hand to hold the plate while this little tool let you hoover up your buffet nosh as you mingled and enjoyed witty and urbane conversation. Invented in the late 40s by Australian  William McArthur. There is even a set in the V&A museum

Pickled onion and a cube of cheese on a cocktail stick anyone? (and a  sausage and pineapple for 60plus)

These days, not so much. More a tube of Pringles a huge share bag of Nachos, a jar of cheesey dip and cans of super lager.

Ironically the one food (I say food) that the versatile splayed can't cope with is the hyperbolic parabaloid that is a Pringle.

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