Nadine Pierce, a snapshot

By nadinepierce

Outdoors in

A very calm, warm start to the day but my goodness were we glad that they'd moved the market indoors a few hours later when Kathleen blew into town. 

By the time I got home, made up today's orders ready for collection/delivery tomorrow and restocked the car I was fair jiggered. I didn't sleep well last night and tried to get my head down this afternoon with no success. 

I'm now fed and sufficiently watered that I hope I can ignore the howling storm outside and get a decent sleep ahead of tomorrow's market (whitmuir/indoors).

Just as I was coming up to bed DPD arrived with what I assume are the missing printer documents. Still mulling that one over but the lack of a serial number on the report (well done Sallymair) along with the questionable fault they logged (not really what I reported) along with a couple other discrepancies is forming a vague action plan. I do also still have an open ticket with Brother, the manufacturer (I thought there was a good chance there would be more 'nonsense from the seller) so would like to investigate the validity of the coffee claim with the bona fide experts. Brother engineers already told me they hear many similar stories to mine and they have been nothing but pleasant to deal with and helpful. 

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