
By suehutton

Spanish Bluebells at the Surgery

They seem to have sprung up suddenly and it's reminded me that I must book the Tramper for traversing The Outwoods to see the display of English bluebells within the next two weeks.
The pharmacy fulfilled my prescription of Apixaban which has been outstanding for close on two weeks. The pharmacist explained that there are huge delays at the surgery. They don't know exactly why but I expect they could guess.

It was Basil's grooming day. We went to collect him after we'd bought fish from the market. Mr Hall explained that his big van needed a turbo something but he hopes to get it back in action. In the meantime he has a reduced display of fruit and veggies. He gave us a pack of baby beetroot  which I intend to tray bake at the first opportunity.

Colin joined us for our usual lunch at Finkins.

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