Choose Joy

By Energia


We went to Dubai. I left early to go to the airport to see if I could get my iPad. 

My iPhone was saying it was at the airport in terminal A which meant that Qatar airlines had it even if they NEVER contacted me to tell me so despite the most insane, designed-to-madden-you process of filling out an online form combined with <stop ranting>. .

 I went to the airport, went to arrival desk, explained that they had it, showed them my cellphone that said it was 70 feet away. She realized where it probably was. We walked. I said 60 feet! 50 feet! Behind a door, down a long highway, behind another door, at the end of the office, in a file drawer, sealed in plastic.

I’m sparing you details because they would in no way enrich your life or mine and the sooner forgotten the better but I am so relieved. And now, tonight, I will study for the work that begins tomorrow. I had documents on the iPad and the iPad is so much easier to use than my work computer, which I also brought in case I have to legally sign something.

Nice thing about being female was she let me go with her, even though it probably wasn’t kosher. The iPad had enough juice that I could make it ring from my cellphone and I was able to turn it on with the passcode and thus prove that it really was mine. 

The Apple ecosystem is a beautiful thing. 

We went to Dubai. Dubai is where architects go to dream. The buildings are amazing. The buildings are insane. The buildings. I can’t believe the buildings. I am not a city person but I would so happily come back. I am glad we left and went to the airport and went to the airport while Serena was working but I would happily come back to Dubai and enjoy the buildings and go to the gardens and see the fountain and light show at the lake. There is a garden called the Magical Gardens and there are other gardens with giant playful figures near the fence and dinosaurs trying to get out. The city must be amazing at night. 

The country would like to export as much oil as possible and therefore wants citizens to use electric, hybrids, or CNG. My cab driver has a CNG vehicle which blows my mind. 

The circle is a building. A BUILDING. It is the Future Museum. I’d like to come back and see that too. 

Iran’s attack resulted in one of our party not being able to fly here. He is stuck in another state. His flight was cancelled. He was told the next day’s flight would be cancelled too but luckily it wasn’t. So far it looks like all will go as planned and we won’t all be whisked out of the region. 

I spent the last hour on the beach because I could. Now it is dark so I will go to the room and study and fall asleep on the couch. Maybe I should study in bed. 

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