Keith B

By keibr

Bread, scones, biscuits, cakes, then the beach

Into town to help in moving The Left Party out of the shop and into another location just across the courtyard.
A phone call from Anders saying he was at our house. He'd been passing by and had dropped in! We abandoned the move and headed home and enjoyed a couple of hours of conversation + more coffee + sandwiches and scones.
Back to town for the planned walk at Smitingen beach. I was surprised by how much ice was left, though no-one was walking on it today! On the rocks by the side of the bay we could watch the ice bits gently moving in the small waves while we sat on a sun-warmed rock - one of those spring contrasts. (See extras)
Back to Rose's for some newly-baked biscuits involving sugar, lemon curd and icing. After two I was definitely going into sugar overload - maybe just one more!
Finally home again for some real food that didn't involve sugar. Jan rapidly cooked pasta + bolognese while I sorted the bins for tomorrow and fed the birds. 
By the way, chaffinches have now arrived in huge numbers, while the flocks of siskins seem to have moved on. A few red polls, bullfinches, and tits are still to be seen but mostly they seem to have moved on too. The woodpeckers, jays, magpies and rock doves put in an occasional appearance.

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