Marjorie's ramblings

By walkingMarj

The railway club

It was warm enough for the railway “club” to meet outside this afternoon!

I’ve had a very busy day and need time off to recover.

I was up early to finish tidying for Karyn to clean the house. Then off to the tip as soon as she arrived.

The tip was temporarily closed while big vehicles moved skips around. I waited and hoped we would be allowed in soon. Only 10 minutes wait. It’s always a cathartic experience!

Off to the centre of town to have new keys cut. The. To the solicitor to discuss my new will. After an hour’s appointment my brain was addled, but I still had a supermarket shop to fit in before lunch.

I had just enough time to swallow a sandwich before choir. That was fun all with way.

My last “event” was a visit to my GP about the lump on my tongue. She has referred me on the two week system.

I spotted my blip victims on my way home.

Dick has been working in the garden. Naighty Angus was put in the van for half an hour because he ran off into the road. He should be old enough to know better!

Thank you for all your lovely comments,stars and hearts yesterday.

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