By AMK49

Job done !

This evening I put the final touches on this construction that I started yesterday although I bought the long fence posts a few weeks ago.

One of our neighbours has grown amazing sweet peas since they moved in a few years ago and Mrs AMK is convinced it is because of the type of frame that they are grown on. Last year mine grew so tall that the much more flimsy netting held up with canes collapsed when they grew to well over 6 feet so I was sent to inspect the neighbours arrangement.

Yesterday I cleared the ground , dug holes for the posts and hammered them in - not an easy task as they were 8 feet long and I was perched precariously on a set of steps that sunk into the ground while I wielded a very heavy “ stob mell “ .

A bit more ground clearing today and I got a friend to come and help me attach the plastic netting with staples . The sweet peas plants are bought and I have them growing in individual pots in a cold frame ready to plant out.

With a bit of luck I will be able to post some colourful sweet smelling plants later in the summer filling the frame .  This time they won’t fall down !

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