Marking Time

By Libra

The ambitious conductor- Verdi’s Requiem

Imagine combining two choirs from two cities, an orchestra and four professional soloists for a performance of Verdi’s Requiem based on one rehearsal of them all together.
Well, that’s what conductor Michael Segaud did tonight in Stirling.

The result was a tour de force of music, an astonishing performance in the Albert Halls where members of Stirling City Choir joined forces with Stirling orchestra and Cupar Choral Society with soloists under the baton of conductor, Michael Segaud,  to give a stunning performance of this world famous Requiem.
But then Segaud has a reputation of taking risks, of pushing people out of their comfort zone. One musician friend told me that normally putting on performance of this famous Requiem usually takes months of rehearsal, if not a year. They had four months.
Here is a link to the Met Opera singing the Requiem

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