Rainbow worm

By rainboworm


Ross and I snuck off for a whole day by ourselves (thank you amazing baby sitters); we picnicked in some woods in southern Finistere by a river, not far from the dull thud of an obscure middle of nowhere techno festival, loads of strays wondering the roads hitching lifts in the midday heat.
Then off to the Moulin de Launay to see this 8(15) kW turbine and generator. Running off a bigger drop, but a single river the same size as one of ours. Good news, very inspiring, very welcoming. And he took us over to see his neighbour who was installing the most mind-blowing system that i can't begin to explain in type.
This one looked like a giant turquoise snail and was installed just after the war; mill enthusiasts are a breed apart, we're starting to learn. And very generous with their knowledge and experience. The nod to health and safety was a light bulb that glowed brighter when the power was higher. And you had to step over that spinning axle to adjust the water input manually- 3 metres up on a platform built of pallets and an old cider press. Bloody brilliant.
Lovely walk along the cliffs in the seafog at Le Pouldu too. Then a long drive back home in the sunshine, to be fed by Mum and to find out that the children were good- aaall day.
What a great day.

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