The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

Bonus Night

Dear O'H dear, Lovely Tea Jenny & The Mini Princesses,

The Eldest Mini Princess decided to stay for another night because we were having pizza our chat is so good!

We went for a lovely walk this morning* but I was on call this afternoon so we had a lovely time baking granola bars and Tapanui chew.

The Prince is delighted whenever there is baking but the time after it comes out of the oven is a nightmare. For me. The Prince often disputes that baking should be cooler than lava before it is eaten and his checking of “how long” is vaguely reminiscent of 8 year old me on a long car journey (sorry Mary Doll & Victor).

When it was ready, he declared that the main problem with Tapanui chew is that one piece just isn’t enough and was slightly dismayed when I reminded him that EMP would be taking some of it home to Glasgow. And that giving food to our child is A GOOD THING!

To be honest, I don’t really fancy her chances. I am confident of The Prince’s ability to finish the entire tray by tomorrow. I might need to get one of those containers with a lock!


*We pondered big life questions such as “Why do we have bum cheeks and other animals don’t?” and (due to my ongoing orthodontic treatment) “Who first looked at teeth and thought ‘I can get those bad boys to move’?”

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