
By Livresse


Up at the crack of dawn for the pre-op assessment. All went smoothly and Lucie was away before 10:00. I was told to come back at 3pm. So off I went.
Walking is what I do when I am nervous, so I crossed the city centre and up PetÅ™ín Hill, through the lovely park, then up the 300 steps to the top of PetÅ™ín Tower, with great views of the city (extra). Then I started making my way back via the castle,, through Nala Strana, across Charles Bridge... There, I received a message from Lucie - she was awake, all went well. She was in discomfort but not pain. Relief! I went to see her and was only allowed in for about 30 minutes. Apparently they don't have visiting hours,. She was in a double room but there was nobody in the other bed so I wasn't disturbing anyone! 
I did more walking around Prague - there is a lot to see - before getting something to eat (I discovered Bohemian garlic soup - it's delicious) and going back to the hotel for an early night. I need to leave early tomorrow.
Lucie is messaging me regularly and doing well. Her main complaint now is that she's hungry, so that's a good sign.
Some views in extra, mainly for my own benefit.

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