Blush response

By Esper

Too Scared To Go Down The Rabbit Hole?

On This Day In History
1897: British physicist J.J. Thomson announces the discovery of electrons

Quote Of The Day
"As we conquer peak after peak we see in front of us regions full of interest and beauty, but we do not see our goal, we do not see the horizon; in the distance tower still higher peaks, which will yield to those who ascend them still wider prospects, and deepen the feeling, the truth of which is emphasised by every advance in science, that "Great are the Works of the Lord.""
(Joseph John Thomson)

On January 1st, 2024, over sixty police cars descended on a shopping mall in Miami in response to reports of ten foot shadow beings stepping out of a portal that had been opened up by a teenager, one of a group of between four or six, wearing a rucksack and holding a device looking something like a V.H.S. cassette player that emited a high frequency humming sound. Dozens of eye witnesses reported seeing three ten foot tall shadowlike beings that "glitched" in and out of existence and seemed to hover rather than walk. 

No security footage has been released. No police body cam or dash cam footage has been released. All police officers who were at the scene have been told not to answer any questions about what they witnessed at the mall. Many eye witnesses were forced by police to delete all photos and videos from their phones, although most people were too busy fleeing from the ten foot shadow beings to be concerned with trying to film them. A few who did found their phones mysteriously didn't work.

The media, and the police, say a group of ten or so teenagers with firecrackers was what prompted the police callout. 


Now, a few months earlier, on April 30, 2023, (yes, April 30!) dozens of people across Las Vegas witnessed a fireball race across the sky and crash to Earth. A few minutes later, somebody called 911 to report that something from the sky had crashed into their backyard and that there were currently two eight to ten feet tall shadowlike beings looking at it. Definitely not human. Two police officers, who themselves had witnessed the fireball crash to Earth, were told to visit the caller's residence.

By the time the officers reached the house, whatever had crashed there had vanished, although the impact crater remained, and the beings had also gone. However, video footage of the residents looking for the creatures has recently been thoroughly analysed by a forensic film expert who has concluded that a solid shadow-like being whose head (?) can be seen above the fence and whose legs (?) can be seen between the slats of the fence is 100% genuine. So, quite possibly, we have on film one of the same kind of shadowbeings that stepped out of the portal in Bayside Marketplace mall in Miami eight months later.

The mainstream media ignores this, and anyone who takes stories like this seriously is labelled a "conspiracy theorist,"  a synonym for crackpot to most people. The government continues to deceive, inveigle and obfuscate but their wall of deception is beginning to crumble against the onslaught of hundreds, even thousands, of videos and photographs of alien beings and U.A.P.'s. Whistleblowers like Dr. Stephen Greer and former U.S. Air Force officer and intelligence official David Grusch are in the vanguard of many other senators and scientists who are getting ready to come forward with irrefutible evidence of decades of top secret U.S. military work reverse engineering alien technology and, perhaps, even communicating directly with extra terrestrial beings.

Greer thinks it could happen this year. Hopefully, it will make the news headlines.

Mind Blowing Analysis On Vegas Family Aliens In Backyard: God bless you, Ben ( Caspersight ), the best site on YouTube! (By the way, if you are interested and open-minded enough to watch this video, please note that the video Ben shows which he claims casts doubt on the shadowbeings being in Bayside Marketplace is definitely not Bayside Marketplace since Bayside Marketplace is an open mall and the mall in this security footage is quite clearly enclosed.)

Walking With Shadows

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