Benchography, Millennium Park, Maidstone

I went into town with my brother on the bus and had a swift drink before he went off to meet a friend for lunch. Instead of taking the return journey the same way I decided to walk along by the river all the way back home to try and get today's blip. On the route is the Millennium Park and that's where I took today's image of these rather sleek metal benches as the sunlight hit them. I thought they had a retro space age feel to them.
The extra, Swan Nesting, was taken on the approach to the village where I live. A man passing by on his bike told me that the wooden structure was deliberately placed there to encourage swans to nest. He said the person who placed it in this location (an old silted up dock) put a layer of thick loft insulation on the underneath to stop it sinking into the heavy mud and it seemed to have worked very well! Swans apparently produce a clutch of five to seven eggs (he said this female was looking after six) and they hatch after 33 - 37 days so he was betting on early June before the chicks would start to make themselves known.

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