
By tridral

Pwysig… i ddau berson yn unig

Pwysig… i ddau berson yn unig ~ Important… to two people only

“You will never _find_ time for anything. If you want time, you must make it.”
― Charles Buxton

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Unwaith eto mae darn o waith wedi bod ei chwblhau ac mae'n bwysig i ddim ond dau o bobl yn y byd eang i gyd - Nor'dzin a fi.

Rydw i wedi symud hanner tunnell o bridd (rydw i'n dyfalu), wedi dyblu lled y llwybr, ac yn gwneud cromlin ysgafn o waith maen. Rydyn ni'n hapus gyda'r canlyniad, ond does neb arall yn gwybod dim byd ohono fe (ac eithrio chi, wrth gwrs).

Felly, ymlaen gyda pheth nesa. Byddwn yn adeiladu cwt myfyrdod ar ben yr ardd. Felly rhan o bwrpas y gwaith sydd newydd ei orffen yw ei gwneud yn haws symud y pren ar gyfer y cwt.

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Once again a piece of work has been completed and it is important to only two people in the whole wide world - Nor'dzin and me.

I've moved half a ton of soil (I'm guessing), doubled the width of the path, and made a gentle curve of masonry. We're happy with the result, but nobody else knows anything about it (except you, of course).

So, on with the next thing. We will be  building a meditation hut at the top of the garden. So part of the purpose of the work that has just been finished is to make it easier to move the wood for the hut.

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Disgrifiad (Cymraeg): Border newydd ar ben yr ardd
Description (English):  New border at the top of the garden

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