
By tridral

Astudiaethau lleol

Astudiaethau lleol ~ Local studies

“Art is a spiritual function of man, which aims at freeing him from life's chaos. Art is free in the use of its means in any way it likes, but is bound to its laws and to its laws alone. The minute it becomes art, it becomes much more sublime than a class distinction between proletariat and bourgeoisie.”
― Kurt Schwitters

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Pan roeddwn i yn yr ysgol roedd pwnc gyda'r enw 'Astudiaethau lleol' . Mae'r amseroedd pan rydw i'n dymuno y roeddwn i wedi talu mwy o sylw neu hyd yn oed tynnu ffotograffau o adeiladau lleol ayyb. Nawr pan rydw i'n gweld pethau'n newid, rydw i'n dymuno roeddwn i wedi cael y llun 'o flaen' ond nawr dim ond y llun 'ar ôl' sy gyda fi.

Roedd yr adeilad hwn (yr adeilad bach ar y dde) arfer bod siop leol oedd gwerthu papur newyddion, losin ayyb. Mae sticer 'Daily Mirror' o hyd ar y gwydr y tu ôl i'r wifren. Doeddwn ni ddim yn meddwl es i i mewn erioed, ond rydw i'n cofio edrych trwy'r ffenestr. Ar yr un stryd roedd tŷ arall gyda ffenestr bae mawr crwn, ac ymhellach ymlaen adeilad mawr dyna oedd yr hen efail. Darnau o hen Eglwys Newydd nawr wedi'i ddymchwel. Mae lluniau o'r hanes yn brin ar hyn o bryd ac rydw i'n teimlo'n ddiolchgar i'r bobl a oedd eu tynnu.

Rydw i'n meddwl mai'n dda iawn nawr bod llawer o bobol yn tynnu ffotograffau ar ei ffonau symudol. Maen nhw'n dal hanes wrth iddo hedfan heibio.

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When I was at school there was a subject called 'local studies'. There are times when I wish I had paid more attention or even taken photographs of local buildings, etc. Now when I see things change, I wish I had the picture' before' but now I only have the 'after' photo.

This building (the small building on the right) used to be a local shop that sold newspapers, sweets etc. There is still a 'Daily Mirror' sticker on the glass behind the wire. I don't think I ever went in, but I remember looking through the window. On the same street was another house with a large round bay window, and further on a large building that was the old forge. Fragments of the old Whitchurch now demolished. Photos of history are rare now and I feel grateful to the people who took them.

I think it's very good now that many people take photographs on their mobile phones. They capture history as it flies by.

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Disgrifiad (Cymraeg): Hen dŷ (a chyn siop) yn yr Eglwys Newydd, Caerdydd
Description (English):  Old house (and former shop) in Whitchurch, Cardiff

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