A muggy day
A warm spring day here, though rather humid. We're not used to the breeze being warm!
Caught up with various things indoors this morning, then sat out on the deck with a cuppa and a good book - I'm reading the biography of Gerald Durrell by Douglas Botting.
In due course the chainsaw next door started up again, so I was banished indoors, and after lunch I walked down to town for a bit of peace! Had a couple of long chats and did a bit of shopping, but it soon clouded over and the light wasn't great for photography. As I came up Jacob's Ladder I rather liked this scene of the yacht coming in under one sail, with a backdrop of the island of Kerrera and the mountains of Mull. I came home just as a few spots of rain were falling but it doesn't seem to have come to anything.
Quote of the Day: 'I haven't bought a yacht or an island or even a palm tree. - David A. Siegel. (Well David - I have bought several palm trees!)
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