
By Wildwood

Flower Friday. : : Bearded Iris

We have a whole row of these lining the stairs * up to the top terrace as John rather grandly calls it. This is more or less his kingdom where his veggie boxes are. He spends a lot of time up there, sometimes out of sight and earshot. I didn't like having to scream at him like a fishwife if he needed to come down for some reason and he wouldn't take his phone up there so I got him an Apple watch. He does wear it, and I set it to make a sound and to vibrate. Sometimes it works....

The watch is also supposed to ask him if he's ok if he falls and call for help if he doesn't respond. He was helping me vigorously shake our duvet when it said, 'it looks like you've had a hard fall, are you ok?' When he actually did fall it was totally silent.

What I want to know is how does my phone know how many hours I spend in bed when I deliberately leave it at the other end of the house from my bedroom at night?. Apparently Apple's iPhone sales have gone flat,  and the speculation is that they need to spruce them up by adding more AI. As far as I'm concerned that is the LAST thing I need. There are already too many functions on my phone which I don't really need or want. AI might be the last straw....if it already knows how much time i spend in bed, it might start speculating about what I do there....

Coffee with the usual suspects yielded a wide ranging conversation from the wingspan of a California Turkey Vulture  (5-7feet), backyard bobcat sightings, the profits made by Tobi's Harvest for the Hungry plant sale last weekend, two hives populated by Dan's beekeeping efforts, anaphylactic shock, and John's favorite brands of non-alcoholic beer. When the conversation turned somewhat peripherally to the orange guy (a real buzzkill conversation stopper.) everybody suddenly decided it was time to get on with the day and wandered off. It's all been said, discussed, speculated about and nobody wants to talk about it or even think about it anymore....


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