Trixie's Adventures

By TrixieTheCollie

Summer has arrived!

This morning we woke up at about 5.30am because the sun was shining brightly through our bedroom window. OK, I didn't wake up at 5.30am because I was a sleepy little Collie pup who likes to get at least 8 hours sleep every night. By 6.30pm. Ann was up, dressed, and telling me I was going on a big, long walk. Mmmmmm.................... I like big, long, walks but not at 6.30 in the morning. Having said that, by the time I got to the beach, I was a very happy little Collie pup.

We walked along all the beaches in St Ives and it was absolutely lovely. There was hardly anyone about and I got to run and run and run. And dig and dig and dig.

Summer has arrived! Yay!

After breakfast on the sun terrace and a snooze in the sunshine, I got taken along the lane for another walk because Ann was working 1-6pm this afternoon. …............Phew................ peace at last for a proper snooze.

She's just taken me into the field for a toileting walk, fed me and now I'm back in bed having more snooze time. I really am pretty lazy.

Looks like it's going to be another lovely sunset down on the beach tonight but Ann is too tired to go out again. And anyway, she's attempting to cook a jacket potato in her new air fryer. Not quite sure how successful that is going to be, but if she doesn't try she won't know. Lol!........... She's still not sure about this air fryer thing. However, at least three lots of people in the last few days, have told her they're brilliant. One even said it saved him a £100 a month in electricity. She finds that a bit hard to believe? .............But nothing like jumping on the bandwagon. She bought a 'Swan' dual basket air fryer the other day for £79 (RRP £199) so she thought she'd got a bargain. Who knows? At the moment even reading the instruction manual is a bit of an effort! So far she's cooked sausages (yummy), oven chips (yummy) and a Mexican pork loin steak (which was OK). Anyway, with the jacket potato she's going to have a couple of 'Chicken Shawarma Kebabs' (if she can work out how to cook them) and some courgettes (but she'll just pan fry those in butter).


Sometimes I'm glad I'm just a gorgeous little Collie pup that gets taken on at least a couple of walks a day, and who gets fed every day, and who doesn't have to worry about things like cooking and air fryers and all the other gadgets that seem to be around these days gets to snooze every day.


PS – Here's hoping that Mr Sunshine will stay out for the rest of the summer!!!

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