
By Pinkhairedlady

The silliest of days

Not an especially silly picture though I do think the ferns unfurling remind me of alien creatures or perhaps just sea horses, but so many silly things happened today.

Silly drivers jumping red lights, turning across traffic with inches to spare, driving at me on the wrong side of the road to make a few instances. Not forgetting the people stepping off the kerb into the path of oncoming traffic, the young chap I only just saw sauntering across the road in such light clothing that he was hard to spot against the buildings and the prople crossing into the traffic. And then there was the lady who left her trolley behind at the checkout blocking my way forward and was totally oblivious to my desire for her to take it away!

The most frustrating thing for Mr PHL was Phin’s decision to leap out of the car boot after his morning walk as the boot was closing which caused the boot door to hit Mr PHL on the head as he tried to stop Phin from escaping or getting squished by the door closing.

All in all a day of silliness which I think Admirer would have appreciated. Thanks to davidc for keeping the challenge going in her memory.

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