Fourth of May

Too hot today (30° and no breeze) to do much more (after a morning shop) than head to the beach. I love the heat but I’m definitely more of a mid 20s girl! Thankfully it’s forecast to cool down a bit over the next few days. Beach was mobbed but hardly anyone in the water, despite the fact that the sea was a balmy 17°. I had a couple of excellent swims.
I’d hoped that son no 3 would be joining me this weekend but sadly he was a bit poorly during the week so he didn’t feel up to it.
After a late lunch and siesta, I went for a walk in the Turia gardens and then Mass in the evening as I’m planning another one of my day trips tomorrow.
Those of you following Puke or mrpuke as he’s now known on Blip may be wondering why he hasn’t posted recently. All is fine and he’s still really enjoying his Camino, despite the fact that it’s been rather cold and he’s had a bit of a cold. He’s having technical issues with Blip which is why he hasn’t been posting. Hopefully he’ll be able to back blip soon.

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