horns of wilmington's cow

By anth


I've never seen an animal with two such contrasting forms. In the water, gliding peacefully and gracefully along, you could be looking at the effortlessness of a large otter; out of the water? Total Chonk.

The Perthshire Beaver Safari that I got for my Christmas could not have gone better. They did claim a 95% hit rate (possibly higher) (they also do canoe trips, but there's only around a 30% success rate on that apparently), but I didn't expect to sit watching a couple (out of a family unit of 6 currently) floating by a few times, with one coming out onto the bank opposite for a 10 minute scratching session.

I've gone looking for them a couple of times, and while I've seen signs, never caught an actual glimpse, so this was well worth it - and their stretch of river is on a public, core path, so as long as you're not disturbing them, having paid for the intel and the patience I can now go back and see them again if I want. Which is kinda awesome.

(As a volunteer Trustee on the Board  of the Scottish Wildlife Trust, Beavers are something of a success story for the trust. It was before y time starting (which comes to an end this year after my second term!) but it did mean I've been keen to see them from the start).

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