Maid in Wales

By welshmaid50

Doing what comes naturally.

Another great time at the gym this morning. After we had all finished, we adjourned for the obligatory coffee.  I had my £3 ready to pay, when J passed over his credit card and said he was paying for all of us. How nice was that?  When I had finished, I said thank you very much, John, and he said , it's not my card, it's Gwenda's (his wife) I said, I will thank her when I see her on Thursday, and he said, no, don't do that, she doesn't know. He said she gave me the card to go to Tesco's so she won't mind. I must now remember not to say anything when I next see her. Vic was there, but only just ,as he had hurt his back yesterday, and  was moving very carefully. We didn't stay too long as we all had somewhere else to be. J met me and we went to Lidl, in Tondu. There were a few things I wanted from the middle of Lidl that I saw advertised on my phone app.  We weren't cold in bed last night after changing the quilt, but it looks like summer isn't quite here to stay ( I spoke too soon) When we got home, I went down the garden, and the Camellia  had a lot of ladybirds,  and as you can see there were having a good time. Apparently, male & female ladybirds are called the same. So now you know.

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