
By SparseRunner


There has been thick low cloud over Klaksvík all day, so it's been back to work. I did go out at 12:00, partly to stretch my legs, and partly because I'd signed up to do the "Wings for Life World Run". Although the concept and cause appealed to me, after my exertions of the past two days, I was in no condition to run. If I'd "saved" myself to do a long run in dull weather I'd have had to miss out on two excellent impulsive activities, and that's not me. I walked to the park (Viðarlundin Úti Í Grøv), where one of the streams running through it forms this waterfall, and back. 

In the apartment I did some challenging programming, but was a little frustrated when it failed to work on all architectures. I'll have to ask for advice from И in the week.

I've since got to the bottom of one of the mysteries, but not the other, but if the corresponding feature isn't implemented, the development still works.

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