
By Paladian

The Guardian

Possibly the best day in Venice so far.  We went up to the top of the bell tower in the Chiesa di San Giorgio Maggiore today, and the views were spectacular to say the least.  My lead image for the day looks towards the top of the Island, with the industrial area of Mestre in the very far background.  One extra is of the islands stretching into the distance. Really hard to pick favourites.

In another building at the back of the Church was a very good exhibition of Murano Glass from the 1920's and 30's.  A couple are in extras - of course.  Then late this afternoon we hot footed it to the Fortuny museum, and the rest of my extras come from there.  

There was an exhibition from a French fibre artist called Eva Jospin.  She is very good indeed, and I would have liked to spend more time there, but we were very gently being ushered out because we were so late.

All in all a day to remember - especially when the bells started to ring when we are the top of the bell tower.  Deafening!!!

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