simple moments

By simplemoments




coloring project

woke with a massive migraine - rested a bit then - decided to finish off - a coloring project i’ve - been slowly working on - i am fortunate to - have found that coloring - is neurological relief for me - and my migraines - i don’t claim to - understand how it works - but somehow it helps - to soothe the firing - neurons in my brain - helping to calm - them as i concentrate - on the act of coloring

it’s a total phenomena - which i believe has - come about only through - the kindness of abba - because over the years - i have tried every imaginable - combination of medications - to try and relieve - the pain as well as - whatever it is which causes them - nothing has ever worked - now adult coloring along with - a rather new med - on the market both are assisting - to bring me a modicum of - relief on a fairly regular basis

which means i get to - offer up whimsy like this - enjoyment for you - relief for me - it all leads to…


happy day…..

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