
By carliewired

65 F/ 18 C

A bleary-eyed sun
emerged from the clouds after
I drove my car home


I parked at Westmount Park at 6:30 to walk a short distance on the Rivers Trail. A large freight train was moving along the rail bridge heading out of the junction. It was picking up speed leaving town and it rattled the bridge. 

I got a look into the north river which is low and slow. One can see the footings of the bridge in the shallow water. The Canada geese don't seem to mind. 

The sun broke through the clouds just as I was pulling into my driveway. The moody photos I took will have to do! LOL! 

I have an appointment for service to my car this morning. My summer tires are filling my car right now. I will come home with the winter tires ready for storage. 

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