michigan man

By outdoorguy

Paintings on Palm

When we went over to my brother Jim's house in Florida, he told me that he had been saving some fallen palm fronds for me. With Lisa giving me the stink-eye, we went to his back yard to see them.

I brought 7 of them home, cut out the bad parts with a scroll saw, and then sketched and painted.

I liked how they turned out, with just enough of the frond left to know it's a frond.

On the left, from top to bottom:
1. Bluefin Tuna
2. Hogfish
3. Blue Whale
4. Jack Crevalle

On the right, top to bottom:
1. Yellowtail Snapper
2. Wahoo
3. Redfish

With the price being free, and Jimmy picking them up for me...just wait until we go down next year. HA!

Why no picture yesterday? It was a washout, with tummy problems and absolutely no energy. I tried to get into my doctor's office today, but he couldn't see me until next Monday. I miss the old days when a doctor would squeeze you in. Not good.

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